ID# 1035:
C. M. Goethe letter to J. Eddy, about German collection of eugenic data
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The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, document, D-2-4

1035. 10-27-37 Mr. James G. Eddy, 6100 Arcade Square, Seattle, Washington My dear Mr. Eddy:- Returning from overseas where I was again making eugenic studies, I find your July 1st letter. Probably you have proceeded with these plans. I have however, stolen the time to study the outline carefully. These are my criticisms:- Above all the "collobaration with the Carnegie Institution of Washington" seems most wise. Individuals die - foundations are immortal. Secondly the location of Cold Springs[sic] Harbor solves the problem of necessary highpowered leaders. Probably nowhere in America could better results be obtained. Thirdly the statement "The proposed Clinic of Human Heredity could begin functioning immediately if manned by a competent staff" shows commendable desire to commence work immediately. Just now I find myself faced with a problem in another field of human betterment of building up a competent staff. I thought when I left for overseas, everything had been cared for, but an educational institution stole my leader and I have to begin again. Fourthly. Tremendously impressive is the vision shown in "One such well organized clinic could be made the model for similar clinics." A most satisfying reward for the kind of labor that Dr. Merriam, Dr. Davenport, Dr. Laughlin, you and I do is just such reproduction. I am thinking now of several lines of work during my own life time in which labor conscientiously discharged in building up one unit, has brought its reproduction in at least two cases, in every American city. Fifthly. One also likes the reference to "the archives of the Eugenics Record Office." The Germans are forging far ahead of us in this matter of accumulated data. They say they have already 4 Nobel prizes to 1 of ours, population considered, and that if we do not accept their methods, they will run away from us with world leaders. May I ask what provision you have made for publicity? To my mind, this public education herein is necessary to success. The thought of charging a small fee seems wise. We, at first, failed herein in our demonstration sanitarium at the beginning of the T.B. Control Movement. A reasonable fee helps the budgets and prevents pauperization with all its attending ills. Sincerely, [signed] CMGoethe
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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