ID# 1162:
"Clinic in human heredity" proposal by H. Laughlin
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The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, D-5-5

1162. [marginalia in handwritten form - illegible] Private copy No... for the personal use of ... Notes on the Proposed [underlined]Clinic [crossed out]of[end crossed out] in Human Heredity A - Sample Inquiries and Answers[end underline] Note: These actual inquiries are copied in this private memorandum with the distinct understanding, of course, that absolutely no publicity will be given to any of them. (1) Copies of twenty-five actual inquiries made by persons with pressing problems of a clinical nature - physical, mental or spiritual - in human heredity, and which persons were at a loss as to where and to whom to address their inquiries, but which inquiries directly, by reference or by chance, [crossed out]finally[end crossed out] arrived at my desk within the period April 25, 1937 and May 19, 1938. (2) Attached to each inquiry is a copy of the reply given. [underline]B - Comments[end underline] (1) These inquiries show the need for a competent and readily accessible Clinic in Human Heredity. A well organized clinical service would have followed up each of the above-described inquiries with suggestions for additional data more pertinent to the case, and finally would have made a comparison between the distribution of the particular subject-quality among the actual near-blood-kin of the subject-mates and the actual outcome of many pedigree-similar matings. Such procedure would have enabled a more definite and useful reply to each of these clinical inquiries. (2) While the Eugenics Record Office has built up a substantial collection of first-hand pedigrees of many human qualities - physical, mental and temperamental - perhaps the most accurate and extensive collection of this nature in existence - and while these data reflect the existing stock of knowledge in the inheritance of many specific human traits, still this material is not yet organized or serviced for clinical purposes. (3) With the further collection of first-hand family-pedigree data, and with analyses to evaluate the relative parts played by heredity and environment and to determine the rules of inheritance of each definitely measurable or diagnosable subject-quality thus studied, a constantly improving practical Clinic in Human Heredity seems feasible. Clinical service and genetical research could, in the future, go hand-in-hand most profitably. (4) Knowledge of Nature's behavior in transmitting each of many human qualities from parent-to-offspring has become accurate and extensive enough to begin practical clinical service in this field. H.H. Laughlin, Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. June 9, 1938
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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