ID# 1300:
Book reviews of White America by Ernest S. Cox
Circa 1924
Pages: (1|2)
University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 1 folder1-39

1300. [left side] "There is but one hope for the Negro Race, and that is Nationalization. There is but one hope for the white Race, and that is Unification. "WHITE AMERICA," by Ernest S. Cox, points the way of salvation for both races. For either race to ignore the argument of "WHITE AMERICA" would be a crime against all the future." J.E. McCulloch, Secretary of the Southern Cooperative League for Education and Social Service WHITE AMERICA traces the contact of the white race with colored races during the past six thousand years. It shows that our negro problem is but a part of the age-long and world-wide color problem. The author of WHITE AMERICA is a highly trained specialist whose particular field of study is that of the contact of races. After prolonged preparation as a post-graduate student in America he spent six years following "the belt of black around the world." He has made a study of the color problem on all continents. His African journeys included the crossing of that continent from Cape Town to Cairo. His South American journeys included the crossing of that continent through the equitorial[sic] regions from the Pacific to the Atlantic. He has made a first hand study of the color problems and the color policies of more than thirty white governments. There are but two solutions to the problems arising from the contact of the races - amalgamation of races, or the separation of races - the one or the other will eventually be realized. WHITE AMERICA boldly declares that the plan of separation of races, initiated by Madison, Jefferson, Clay and Lincoln, must be carried out and reproposes Abraham Lincoln's proposed amendment to the Federal Constitution giving the Congress the power to colonize the American negro. Are we to become an Egypt or an India? There are now 12,000,000 negroes in the United States. These millions will increase! Shall we pass on to our children this increasing burden or shall we use sane and constitutional means to give the negroes a home and enable those who are to come after us to be born a white on white man's land? Whether or not we wish it we move on to a white America or a mongrel America. We must face the negro problem! Read this remarkable book. WHITE AMERICA, published by the WHITE AMERICA SOCIETY, Richmond, Va., pp. 389, price $2.00. Order through any book store or write direct for it. Postage prepaid to any point in the United States. Add 25 cents for postage to foreign countries. Five or more copies on one order, $1.50 per copy. [graphic] [right side] WHITE AMERICA By Earnest Sevier Cox "There is a physical difference between the white and black races which I believe will forever forbid the two races living together on terms of social and political equality." Abraham Lincoln "Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people are to be made free; nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government." Thomas Jefferson There are two alternatives for the future: the negroes and the whites must either wholly part or wholly mingle." De Tocqueville "If the purity of the two races is to be maintained, they cannot continue to live side by side, and this is a problem from which there can be no escape." Madison Grant WHITE AMERICA SOCIETY Richmond, Virginia (A reproduction of the book cover.) [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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