ID# 1339:
Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, typescript corresponding to pp16-19 of book, w/ hand-written pseudonyms
Pages: (1|2)
University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 1 folder1-9

1339. Early History of the [obscured, but handwritten above]Win. The present study shows that the [obscured, but handwritten above]Wins start from four fountain heads; one a white man named [obscured, but handwritten above]Brown, and the other three Indians, named respectively [obscured, but handwritten above]Long, Thomas, and Jones. Note - all names fictitious. The negro blood [strikeout]now present[end strikeout] came in later. Briefly, the history is as follows. A white man named [obscured, but handwritten above]Brown, married a [P]Molly [obscured but handwritten above]Thomas, either a full blood or a half blood Indian. These two had many children, half breeds, by the name of [obscured, but handwritten above]Brown, which children have in turn married and their descendants are now found in the (Bear [handwritten above]Cook) mountain regions of [obscured, handwritten above]Ab county. Polly [obscured, handwritten above]Thomas' father, William [obscured, handwritten above]Thomas, was known to have been an Indian and lived on the Buffalo River in that county. It is not known, however, from what tribe he, or the other Indians to be mentioned, came, whether Cherokee from the Southern Appalachians or Powhatan from Eastern Virginia or Tuscarora from Southwestern Virginia. It is evident that they were wandering Indians as [obscured, handwritten above]Ab County never belonged to any particular tribe of Indians. Legens has it that these Indians were traveling from lands in the Carolinas on to Washington to see the Great father just after the Revolutionary War and that for some reason these few stopped in [obscured, handwritten in]Ab County. Another daughter of William [obscured, handwritten in]Thomas married an Ed [obscured, handwritten above]Jones, an Indian, on Dec. 6, 1790, the official record of the marriage being found in the [obscured, handwritten above]Ab Courthouse. This license does not state the color of the people concerned here. That fact is deduced from the statements of the people of [obscured, handwritten above]Ab County and from the information secured from some of the older [obscured]Wins. The son of this Ed [obscured, handwritten above]Jones, named Ned, and born about 1791, a half breed, married his first cousin on his mother's side, a girl named [obscured, illegible above], and had a set of children named [obscured, handwritten above]Jones, also half breeds. These [obscured, handwritten above]Joneses have increased in number and now form at least one half of the [obscured, handwritten above]Win families now in this region. The name [obscured, handwritten above]Jones is also found in Virginia in 1846 and later in What is now Albemarle County, this region being north of the James river. This name is white and in certain parts of the county a good name. A third Indian strain comes in through a John [obscured, handwritten above]Long, a full blood Indian, born 1780, his daughter having married in the half breed [obscured, handwritten above]Brown family. [strikeout]Subsequent to these earlier matings[end strikeout] [end]
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