ID# 1420:
"Indiana Society for Mental Hygiene Bulletin No. 7" (July 1920), statistics on mental illness and feeblemindedness in institutions around the U.S.
Pages: (1|2|3|4)
University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 2 C56

1420. The Indiana Society for Mental Hygiene For the conservation of mental health, the prevention of mental disease and mental deficiency, and improvement in the care and treatment of those suffering from nervous or mental disease or mental deficiency. Office of the Secretary 88 Balwin Block, Indianapolis. [score] Bulletin No. 7 July, 1920 [score] An Adequate State Program For the Care of Mental Defectives includes: Identification - That mental defectives may be recognized and considered as such. Registration - That the extent of the problem may be known. Education - That the mental defectives may be made as nearly self-supporting as possible considering their mental condition. Supervision - Of after-care cases of special classes and discharged institutional cases and others. Segregation - Such defectives as are a menace to society must be segregated in colonies. [center score] The Indiana Committee on Mental Defectives made a special study of the mentality of the children in one of the larger orphans' homes in the state. The Binet-Simon mental test and children's school grade and the social reactions were used to determine the mentality of the children. One hundred eighty-five children in all were examined, ranging in age from 4 to 21. Fifty-one, or 28 per cent, were found to [end]
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