ID# 1449:
O.F. Lewis (NY Prison Association) letter to A.H. Estabrook, congratulating him on the publication of The Jukes in 1915 (10/26/1916)
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University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 2 Folder 1-1

1449. [boxed text on left]Eugene Smith, President Rt. Rev. David H. Green Felix Adler Robert W. DeForest Eugene A. Philbin Jacob H. Schiff Thomas Mott Osborne Vice-Presidents C. C. Auchincloss Treasurer, 135 E. 15th St. Decatur M. Sawyer, Secretary O. F. Lewis, General Secretary[end boxed text] The Prison Association of New York [centered em dash] Incorporated in 1846 [centered em dash] 135 East Fifteenth Street New York Executive Committee [boxed text on right]Purposes of the Society [centered em dash] 1. The Protection of Society Against Crime. 2. The Reformation of the Criminal. 3. Protection for Those Unjustly Accused. 4. Probation for First Offenders. 5. Improvement of Prisons and Prison Discipline. 6. Employment, and When Necessary, Food, Tools and Shelter for Discharged Prisoners. 7. Necessary Aid for Prisoners' Families. 8. Supervisor for Those on Probation and Parole. 9. Needed Legislation.[end boxed text] W. W. Battershall [S?]. Ogden Chisolm J. Fenimore Cooper Cornelius B. Gold William H. Gratwick Henry G. Gray Henry E. Gregory Alexander M. Haddon E. Trowbridge Hall Edwin O. Holter Richard M. Hurd John W. Hutchinson George W. Kirchwey Frank D. Pavey Dean Sage George G. Shelton, M. D. Gino C. Speranza John Seely Ward Evert Johnson Wendell Mornay Williams James Wood Telephone 1470 Stuyvesant October 26, 1916, Dr. A. H. Estabrook, Room 93, State House, Indianapolis, Ind. Re "JUKES IN 1915" Dear Dr. Estabrook: Not for many a day have I been so pleasantly moved as by the reception of your very impressive work on the "Jukes in 1915" and its publication. It is a joy to me to know that if it had not been for the chance discovery of the "Jukes" manuscript and the realization of what it meant, the present volume would not be in existence. I am sure furthermore that the volume acquires a large amount of its value from the very careful and yet sympathetic spirit with which you have done the whole work. I have not yet had a chance to look at all carefully at your book, but I see what a prodigious amount of labor and care you have had in preparing it. It occurs to me that the member of the Executive Committee of the Prison Association (the descendants of Dugdale and his colleagues) would be very much interested in this publication. On what basis is it distributed? Could we secure at least several extra copies? Sincerely yours, [signed]O. F. Lewis General Secretary OFL-a [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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