ID# 1451:
E.R. Evans (Child Placing Agency) letter to A. Estabrook, about the Nam lineage of an adopted child (1/31/1917)
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University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 2 Folder 1-1

1451. State Charities Aid Association Child Placing Agency 105 East 22nd Street Room 710 Telephone 1454 Gramercy Miss Sophie van S. Theis, Superintendent Miss Elizabeth W. Guy, Miss Constance Goodrich, Miss Edith Dudley,[large bracket to the right of preceding three names] Assistant Superintendents Miss Clemence L. Boardman, Miss Ethel R. Evans, Miss Anna C. Haskins,[large bracket to the right of preceding three names] Supervisors January 31, 1917. Dr. Arthur H. Estabrook, c/o Dr. Amos Butler, State Board of Charities, Indiannapolis[sic], Ind. My dear Dr. Estabrook: The people who have taken [obscured] are very anxious to know all they can about her history. They know it is a very bad one and are not deterred by it from wishing to adopt her. They are quite sure she is a perfectly normal child and will develop as such, though she is not quite nine as yet. You promised us once to indicate the part of the Nam history which deals with [obscured]'s father and mother, [obscured] and [obscured]. If it is not too much trouble I hope you will do so so that we can satisfy the intelligent interest of [obscured]'s foster mother. Thanking you in advance, I am Sincerely yours, [signed]Ethel R. Evans Supervisor ERE.Q. [handwritten marginalia]VI-89 Zenobia [end]
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