ID# 2130:
Raymond Pearl letter to Karl Pearson, about disagreement on hereditary theory and his removal as an editor of Biometrika (2/15/1910)
Pages: (1|2|3)
University College London, KP, 782

2130. [stamped]University College London Pearson Papers 782[end stamp] Maine Agricultural Experiment Station Orono, Maine Chas. D. Woods, Director Department of Biology Raymond Pearl, Biologist F. M. Surface, Associate Biologist Maynie R. Curtis, Assistant, Lottie McPheters, Computer Walter Anderson, Poultryman February 15, 1910. Prof. Karl Pearson, University College, Hower St., London, W. C., England. My Dear Professor Pearson:- I have your letter of January 27 and would have answered it sooner except for the fact that I have been away from home nearly all the time since it came, and also because I wanted to have time to think the matter over before replying to you. I am exceedingly sorry that you feel obliged to remove my name from the list of sub-editors of Biometrika for the reason which you gave in your letter. I have, of course, no objection to your appointing anyone you please to be associated with you on the editorial staff of Biometrika. That is a matter which, of course, concerns you alone, but it is rather a blow to be told that I am removed because I am "opposed to the principles for which Biometrika was founded." So far as I know what those principles were I certainly am not opposed to them, nor have I ever been, nor do I expect to be. I am totally at a loss to understand how you ever got the idea that I was opposed to these principles. I had furthermore supposed that my work followed essentially the statistical lines. During the last seven years I have published extremely few papers which have not been, it seems to me, essentially statistical in character. In short, I know of no one who is more thoroughly in sympathy [end]
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