ID# 2142:
Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson expressing hope for future cooperation in spite of their "divergent aims" in eugenics (1/14/1914)
Pages: 1 of 1
University College London, KP, 673

2142. [stamp]University College London Pearson Papers[end stamp] [handwritten]Dear Pearson- I was glad to get your letter, though I am sorry to find that is confirms the impression which I had that you would rather not be asked to dinner. I shall, however, continue to live in hopes that someday we may cooperate in the field of Eugenics, though I agree it is useless to attempt to do so with divergent aims. Thank you for the ticket for the lectures, which I should much like to attend. But I have a committee every afternoon nearly, leaving me weary with the difficult task of dealing with human beings. I should chuck most of it but for a sense of duty and a belief that my Father would have liked me to do what little in me lies as regards Eugenics. Yours sincerely Leonard Darwin [end]
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