ID# 2146:
Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson resigning from Galton Committee to maintain peace in the face of their ongoing disagreements (2/15/1917)
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University College London, KP, 673

Leonard Darwin letter to Karl Pearson resigning from Galton Committee to maintain peace in the face of their ongoing disagreements (2/15/1917)

67316 Feb 15 1917 [stamped]University College London Pearson Papers[end stamp] Professor Pearson University College, Gower Street, W.C. Dear Professor Pearson, I am writing to University College to say that I do not wish my name to be again put forward for the Galton Committee for next year, and I write to let you know so that you may know my motives. I have too many Committees to attend and I am cutting them down as far as possible so as only to remain a member of those Committees to which I can give adequate attention. I have been a very bad attendant at the Galton Committee, and that is the reason I am putting forward. But behind it, it is true, there are other considerations. You and I unfortunately felt obliged to differ on certain points and I have been very anxious not to multiply the points of difference. On some few occasions when I did not attend the Committee I was, to a certain extent, actuated by this feeling. In fact I am leaving the Committee partly in the interests of peace, and most certainly with the strongest wishes for the success of the Galton Laboratory which I trust and believe will have a great future before it, Yours sincerely, Leonard Darwin [end]

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