ID# 2322:
Mico College anthropometric case 1: "Army Group Examination Alpha," conducted by Morris Steggerda for Race Crossing in Jamaica
Pages: (1|2|3|4|6|7|8)
National Museum of Health and Medicine, Otis Historical Archives, Steggerda, Box 5 Folder 42, 972449

Mico College anthropometric case 1: &quote;Army Group Examination Alpha,&quote; conducted by Morris Steggerda for <i>Race Crossing in Jamaica</i>

[marginalia] 15 15 [end marginalia] Test 2 Get the answers to these examples as quickly as you can. Use the side of this page to figure on if you need to. [page width score] Sample [three-line bracket] 1 How many are 5 men and 10 men? . . . Answer ( 15 ) 2 If you walk 4 miles and hour for 3 hours, how far did you walk? . . . Answer (12 ) 1 How many are 60 guns and 5 guns? . . . Answer ( 65 ) 2 If you save $9 a month for 3 months, how much will you save? . . . Answer ( $27 ) 3 If 48 men are divided into squads of 8, how many squads will there be? . . . Answer ( 6 ) 4 Mike had 11 cigars. He bought 2 more and then smoked 7. How many cigars did he have left? . . . Answer ( 6 ) 5 A company advanced 8 miles and retreated 2 miles. How far was it from its first position? . . . Answer ( 6 ) 6 How many hours will it take a truck to go 42 miles at the rate of 3 miles an hour? . . . Answer ( 14 ) 7 How many pencils can you buy for 60 cents at the rate of 2 for 5 cents? . . . Answer (24 ) 8 A regiment marched 40 miles in 5 days. The first day they marched 9 miles, the second day 6 miles, the third 10 miles, the fourth 6 miles. How many miles did they march the last day? . . . Answer ( 9 ) 9 If you buy 2 packages of tobacco at 8 cents each and a pipe for 65 cents, how much change should you get from a two-dollar bill? . . . Answer ( 19c ) 10 If it takes 4 men 3 days to dig a 120-foot drain, how many men are needed to dig it in half a day? . . . Answer (24) 11 A dealer bought some mules for $2,000. He sold them for $2,400, making $50 on each mule. How many mules were there? . . . Answer ( 8 ) 12 A rectangular bin holds 200 cubic feet of lime. If the bin is 10 feet long and 5 feet wide, how deep is it? . . . Answer ( 4 ft ) 13 A recruit spent one-eighth of his spare change for post cards and twice as much for a box of letter paper, and then had $1.00 left. How much money did he have at first . . . Answer ( ) 14 If 3 1/2 tons of clover cost $14, what will 6 1/2 tons cost? . . . Answer ( ) 15 A ship has provisions to last her crew of 700 men 2 months. How long would it last 400 men? . . . Answer (3 1/2 ) 16 If an aeroplane goes 250 yards in 10 seconds, how many feet does it go in a fifth of a second? . . . Answer (15 ) 17 A U-boat makes 8 miles an hour under water and 20 miles on the surface. How long will it take to cross a 100-mile channel, if it has to go two-fifths of the way under water? . . . Answer (8 ) 18 If 134 squads of men are to dig 3,618 yards of trench, how many yards must be dug by each squad? . . . Answer ( 27 ) 19 A certain division contains 5,000 artillery, 15,000 infantry, and 1,000 cavalry. If each branch is expanded proportionately until there are in all 23,100 men, how many will be added to the artillery? . . . Answer ( ) 20 A commission house which had already supplied 1,897 barrels of apples to a contanment delivered the remainder of its stock to 37 mess halls. Of this remainder each mess hall received 54 barrels. What was the total number of barrels supplied? . . . Answer ( ) [marginalia left side] 700 2 400 24 700 400 2 25 134 )3618 (29 268+ 938 938 2 [end]

Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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