ID# 237:
"Biological aspects of immigration," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11|12)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerX,Box1: Harry H. Laughlin

&quote;Biological aspects of immigration,&quote; Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee on Immigration and Naturalization

Biological Aspects of Immigration. 11 [tabular material] State expenses (not including municipal) for maintaining State institutions for the socially inadequate, 1916. &&Total.&Rank among states.&Per cent of total State expenses for this purpose.&Rank among States. Alabama&$425,018&40&5.4&48 Arizona&255,922&45&12.7&37 Arkansas&743,372&28&18.5&16 California&3,228,827&6&15.4&24 Colorado&684,053&31&18.1&17 Connecticut&1,503,022&14&20.5&10 Delaware&91,782&49&10.8&45 District of Columbia&345,280&41&3.5&49 Florida&491,854&36&16.2&22 Georgia&836,225&26&13.4&33 Idaho&279,667&43&14.9&29 Illinois&4,665,459&4&23.7&5 Indiana&2,578,716&8&14.4&30 Iowa&2,000,997&12&22.6&7 Kansas&1,404,173&16&24.3&3 Kentucky&1,339,818&17&13.4&32 Louisiana&933,992&23&15.2&27 Maine&753,172&27&10.9&43 Maryland&1,113,561&18&16.4&19 Massachusetts&6,322,275&2&30.5&1 Michigan&2,840,261&7&15.3&25 Minnesota&2,258,719&11&13.6&31 Mississippi&716,100&30&15.2&28 Missouri&1,885,125&13&20.0&11 Montana&589,940&34&16.4&18 Nebraska&976,516&22&23.4&6 Nevada&135,810&48&11.2&40 New Hampshire&456,840&39&22.2&8 New Jersey&2,344,680&9&13.3&34 New Mexico&186,453&46&11.6&39 New York&11,230,856&1&20.9&9 North Carolina&883,785&25&19.3&13 North Dakota&485,709&37&12.6&38 Ohio&3,966,756&5&24.6&2 Oklahoma&1,056,137&20&19.9&12 Oregon&624,676&33&16.3&21 Pennsylvania&4,772,212&3&15.2&26 Rhode Island&739,030&29&24.3&4 South Carolina&466,598&38&16.4&20 South Dakota&493,200&35&15.6&23 Tennessee&1,058,595&19&18.7&14 Texas&2,285,383&10&12.7&36 Utah&265,194&44&9.4&47 Vermont&287,044&42&10.3&46 Virginia&908,329&24&11.2&42 Washington&998,286&21&11.2&41 West Virginia&683,983&32&18.7&15 Wisconsin&1,444,576&15&10.9&44 Wyoming&165,261&47&12.8&35 Total&75,203,239&& Average&&&17.3& Mr. Box. May I ask a question? Did you notice any parallel between the foreign population and those great expenditures? For instance, I do recall that the foreign population of Alabama is very small, and that of Massachusetts is very high - those two States that you mentioned? Mr. Laughlin. Yes. Pertinent to that, let me give you these figures: Let us take the census of 1900. In the census of 1900, the foreign-born population of the country was 19.5 per cent; that is, of the persons over 10 years of age; and they contributed 34.3 per cent of the total insane population. Now, if the foreign stock was just as good as the stock already here, it ought to have contributed only 19.5 per cent.

Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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