ID# 414:
"Project for cooperation between Bureau of Industry and Immigration and Eugenics Record Office"
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American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Amer Breeders Assoc, Eugenics

414. Project for Cooperation between Bureau of Industry and Immigration and Eugenics Record Office. Secure appointment of one Investigator who shall seek to get an answer to the following question: Are there foci of criminality and defectiveness in Europe which are supplying an exceptionally large proportion of the immigrants who become charges on the State? If so, locate centers and find their characteristic defects. Method of Work. Investigator to visit institutions and settlements and examine records there, as well as list of deportations, and make a record of the [underline]geographical distribution of immigrants with undesirable blood. Advantages to accrue to State from such a study.[end underline] a. Will give guide to immigration authorities in examination and diagnoses and aid in decisions as to exclusion and deportation. b. Will enable agent on other side of Atlantic to discourage immigration from such communities.
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