ID# 428:
Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office (9/11/1910)
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American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Harriman, Mrs. E.H.

Charles Davenport letter to Mrs. E.H. Harriman about Eugenics Record Office (9/11/1910)

American Breeders' Association David Starr Jordan, Chairman C. B. Davenport, Secretary Eugenics Record Office H.H. Laughlin, Superintendent Cold Spring Harbor, Long Island, N. Y. Sept. 11, 1910. Dear Mrs. Harriman; - How do you like the new letterhead? I am sending you this first sheet for criticism. I take this occasion to report progress. I have purchased, with Mr. Tegethoff's assistance and advice, some office furniture and am looking about for a secretary. Mr. Laughlin is bringing a caretaker that he knows about from Missouri. Mr. Laughlin is now on his way East but will stop at Indianapolis to see if he can get hold of McCullouch's manuscript data on the "tribe of Ishmaelites" of Indiana, from which little has been published. Thursday evening Dr. August Hoch, director of the N.Y. State Psychiatrical Institute, was with me here. He is impressed with the results of field work and will urge superintendents of hospitals for the insane to ask the Commission for funds for field workers. Friday we went to the Conference at Kings Park. The chief paper, by Miss Cannon and Dr. Rosanoff, was on heredity of Insanity - It gave 12 extensive pedigrees and seemed to demonstrate that two insane parents have only insane children. On invitation I discussed the paper. I feel that the conference will create a demand for field workers. At Kings Park they have just appointed Miss Hatterslee, who was in the Eugenics class this summer. They may appoint still another later. They pay salary and expenses - everything. The Secretary of the Croker Cancer Fund

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