ID# 440:
Charles Davenport letter to Leonard Darwin about German government interest in eugenics
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American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Leonard Darwin #1

Charles Davenport letter to Leonard Darwin about German government interest in eugenics

November 11, 1922, Major Leonard Darwin, Cripp's Corner, Forest Row, Sussex, England. Dear Major Darwin;- Thank you for your kind letter of November first. I am arranging to have two copies of the sterilization book sent to you. I gathered from contact with geneticists and eugenicists in Austria and Germany that so far from eugenics not being recognized by scientific societies that the German Government is about the only one that has asked and secured the cooperation of leading scientific men (certainly members of leading scientific societies) to cooperate with the Government by constituting a committee to which should be referred all legislation of eugenical import. Apart from the international society 2 of Dr. Alfred Ploctz[sp.?] in Munich, the liveliest society dealing with eugenical matters is the Deutsche Geselschaft fur Vererbungswissenschaft of which Dr. H. Hachtsheim, Landwitach, Hochschule zu Berlin, Invalidenstrasse 42, Berlin, H.4, is secretary. With kind regards to Mrs. Darwin, as well as yourself, Sincerely yours, Chas. B. Davenport, Director. D/G

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