ID# 443:
Charles Davenport response to Soren Hanson about eugenics
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American Philosophical Society, Dav, B:D27.,Leonard Darwin #3

443. copy. October 14, 1925. Professor Soren Hansen, Don Antropologiske Komito, Copenhagen, Denmark. Dear Professor Hansen;- Thank you for your frankness in sending me a copy of your letter to Major Darwin concerning my proposal in the matter of immigration. My proposal illustrates the difficulty in making applied eugenics an international matter, I should prefer to confine the international aspects of eugenics pretty well to investigations into human heredity, human biology in general and anthropology. On the appropriateness of an international exchange of such studies I am sure no one would have a difference of opinion. But, alas, for the criminalistic and the degenerates, since it seems to be impracticable to put them all on ships and keep them traveling back and forth on the Atlantic Ocean thru the rest of their lives, I see no way out but to prevent breeding them. With kindest regards and expressions of admiration for your researches I am, Sincerely yours, Chas. B. Davenport, Director. D/G
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