ID# 685:
Case study in sex immorality
Circa 1930
Pages: (1|2)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerI,Box 38, A:3174

Case study in sex immorality

[handwritten document title] sex immorality [end handwritten document title] [handwritten document identification number] A: 3174 -3[end handwritten document identification number] T. M., born Feb. 5 1891 [obscured], Mass. American born of Irish parentage-Catholic. Large, well developed girl rather inclined to stoutness - tendency to round shoulders, medium height, 5' 5"- light reddish brown hair - light blue eyes - high cheek bones, pleasant open face - good expression - no stigmata of degeneracy - witty and pleasant when not crossed - sullen and vindictive when not allowed her own way - impertinent and abusive when under the least restraint - not vain but proud of her accomplishments - neat in personal appearance. T's mother died when T. was 4 years old. Under the care of housekeeper who had no control over her, the child began to run wild. The father was very indulgent. He married B. S. when T. was seven. T. and her step-mother disagreed from the beginning. The child made a great deal of trouble between her father and step-mother. She was constantly running away, sometimes staying over night. Got into very bad company. With a great deal of trouble on the part of her parents she was kept at school until she was 14 and was graduated from the Grammar School. Her father wished to give her a High School education but could not get her to attend. She went to work in a candy store in [obscured], earning $5.00 a week, later worked at H. & D's., Boston. All this time she constantly stayed out late at night, often all night. Warnings were of no use. She finally ran away and took a room in Boston. Her father got out a warrant for her. She was arrested in Boston and committed to Lancaster., Jan. 24th, 1907 as a delinquent. T. claims that up to this time she had not led an immoral life. There are grave doubts of this. Her word cannot be trusted. Although her father could obtain no evidence he feels sure that she was unchaste. T's. record at Lancaster is one long escapade. Oct. 17th she escaped in company with another girl, picked up two men on [sic] a car. T. tells the story that the men signalled "Hei" - she did not know what that meant, but M. S. did and answered "Hi". The men took them to a club house where they had immoral relations with the girls, for which they gave them each $6.50.

Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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