ID# 687:
Case study of eroticism, example 1
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American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerI,Box 38, A:31744

Case study of eroticism, example 1

Eroticism 1: 9 Propositus: [Venus female gender symbol, i.e. circle with attached downward cross], an illegitimate partly colored girl was committed to a Home for lewdness. Father: 5x [double check this is a figure 5 and not letter S] colored man. Mother; a feebleminded and immoral woman. She had 2 other feebleminded illegitimate children by an alcoholic man Mother's Fraternity: 1 [Venus symbol], has low moral standards who had an immoral son by her alcoholic husband. 2 [Mars male gender symbol, i.e. circled with attached arrow slanted upwards], an epileptic who stabbed his father in a drunken fight. 3 [Mars symbol], sentenced [strikeout] at [end strikeout] to prison for assault with intent to rape. 4 [Mars symbol], [strikeout] had [end strikeout] fathers [possibly 'father of'?] an illegitimate child. 5 [Venus symbol], was 2x; one of her [strikeout] sons [end strikeout] 3 children got a girl in trouble. 6 [Venus symbol], good natured. Mother's Father: simple minded Mother's Mother: brighter than her husband.

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