ID# 689:
Case study of eroticism, example 3
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American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77,SerI,Box 38, A:31744

Case study of eroticism, example 3

[document identification number]40:836 [end document identification number] Eroticism Propositus: [Mars symbol], his chief weakness is his fondness for the other sex. He has been married several times and when married, has various "other women on his mind". He is reported to have at least one illegitimate child. He has too much to do with his immoral sister and is at present "running around" with a brother's widow. Fraternity: 1 [Mars symbol], b. 1842, a very heavy drinker in early life; "ran around" between his first and second marriage. 2 [Venus symbol], musical but of ugly disposition. By a "queer individual" she had a daughter who deserted her husband for another man and is now a prostitute. 3 [Mars symbol], probably feebleminded; has [strikeout] been [end strikeout] made five matrimonial ventures. 4 [Venus symbol], + inf. 5 [Mars symbol], a heavy drinker who had frequent separations from his wife. 6 [Mars symbol], + inf. 7 [Mars symbol], married after a week's acquaintance. His wife, who reports herself a "pure girl" and was the daughter of a wanderer and a periodic alcoholic, had 2 sons, one of whom brought "common women" home and made a compulsory marriage at 23. 8 [Venus symbol], eccentric. 9 [Venus symbol], doubtlessly a prostitute, who left her hard drinking husband for another man. By her husband she had five children, of whom, one, a son, has lived a gay life, having a passion for wine, women and automobiles. 10 [Mars symbol], so far as known, normal. Father: was "kind of soft" running after women and getting himself into trouble.

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