ID# 70:
C. Davenport letter to W.G. Stonesifer, about four brothers marrying four sisters, including newspaper article
Pages: (1|2)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77

070. Tampa Morning Tri[bune] Four Brothers Marry Four Sisters of Same Name[photo] Four Stonesifer Couples Four unique families live in Hanover, Pa. Four Stonesifer brothers there married four Stonesifer sisters. Although the names are identical, the families are not related. William G. Stonesifer was married to Ida Marcella Stonesifer in 1915. In 1917 Harry Raymond Stonesifer was married to Gertrude Stonesifer, and in 1917 Lester Eugene Stonesifer won Joanna Stonesifer. The youngest of the Stonesifer sisters became Mrs. Otis P. Stonesifer in September of this year. There are two more Stonesifer brothers and two more sisters, and Rev J. W. Reinecke, pastor of the Bachman's Valley Lutheran Church who performed all the ceremonies, expects to perform two more ere long. Jun 30 1930
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