ID# 71:
Karl Pearson review of R.H. Johnson paper submitted to Nature
Pages: (1|2|3)
American Philosophical Society, ERO, MSC77

Karl Pearson review of R.H. Johnson paper submitted to Nature

NATURE [illustrated logo] Publishing Office: Macmillan & Co., Ltd. St. Martin's Street. London, W.C. Advertisement and business letters to be addressed to the publishers. Editorial communications to the Editor. Telegraphic address - Phusis, London. Telephone number - 1CSC GERRARD Dec. 18, 99 The Editor of Nature presents his compliments to Mr. R.H. Johnson, & writes to say that he sent Mr. Johnson's recent letter to Prof. Karl Pearson for the latter's remarks. The latter have now been received & the Editor has pleasure in sending herewith a copy of the communication together with Mr. Johnson's letter, as he does not see his way to print the correspondence. Sep 22 1934

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