ID# 810:
Sermon #56: Religion and Eugenics AES Sermon Contest 1927, #6
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9|10|11)
American Philosophical Society, AES, 57506: Am3

810. [page heading] Eugenics ---page #10 [end page heading] The State, likewise, has a great contribution to make toward the realization of Eugenic ideals. The State says "Thou shalt not kill", "Thou shalt not steal", "Thou shalt not commit adultery", and it punishes the offenders of the Law. Is it not also within the province of the state to say to moral lepers, to the feeble-minded, to the hardened criminals, to the physically unfit "Thou shall not reproduce thy kind"? Sterilization of moral and mental and physical defectives has been deemed in some quarters as inhuman and unjust. But to the Scientist, to the Biologist, it is the most beneficent and humane thing that the State can do for the wellbeing of society and for the realization of the Kingdom of God upon earth. Legislation will fail, education will fail, evangelism will fail in the establishment of God's Kingdom just so long as the State fails to cleanse the germ plasm of the race at its fountain source. The State, therefore, should demand a single standard of social purity and health certificates for marriage mates. It should teach birth control to the poor and to the illiterate. It should establish bureaus of information concerning family pedigrees and the results of crossing one stream of germ plasm with another, so that potential parents, choosing intelligently their life mates, may be enabled to say "I am the master of my fate; I am the captain of my soul." Now all of this will lead us rapidly forward to the realization of the highest Eugenic ideals, namely, the spiritual rebirth of the race. Horace Bushnell taught us that "the child ought to grow up a christian and never having known himself to have
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