Eugenics Archive

Upgraded search features! Keyword searches now scan the text content as well as the title of images containing text (correspondence, manuscripts, books, etc.). Text-only files are accessed via the image screen. (Look for the button at the upper right of the window.) These features have been implemented for about 120 documents in the Archive, and will be expanded to include all documents over the next several months.
Search the Archive by:
Topic: Follow the links to topic captions and related images. The brief captions will help you understand how the images relate to one another, to the larger eugenic movement, and to society as a whole.
Image number: Locate a specific image by entering "i" and its catalog number (for example, i543).

Enter keyword or phrase in text field. A list of topics is returned with the number of related images in parentheses.

You searched for documents that contain 1113.

Immigration (1 match)
Leading Eugenicists (1 match)
Mental Illness (1 match)

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