Poverty and Degeneracy
76 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Hovel Type of Source of Defectives," pedigree of epilepsy and feeblemindedness (#1697)
I. McDougle letter to A. Estabrook, about research on mixed race marriages for Mongrel Virginians (5/3/1924), multiple pages (#1289)
Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, introduction of Estabrook's copy with added keys to pseudonyms, multiple pages (#1341)
Mongrel Virginians: The Win Tribe, by A.H. Estabrook and I.E. McDougle, typescript corresponding to pp16-19 of book, w/ hand-written pseudonyms, multiple pages (#1339)
"Indiana Society for Mental Hygiene Bulletin No. 7" (July 1920), statistics on mental illness and feeblemindedness in institutions around the U.S., multiple pages (#1420)
The Jukes in 1915, by Arthur H. Estabrook, selected pages, multiple pages (#1369)
"Jukes: Information collected by M. T. Curial" for A.H. Estabrook on Wisconsin branch of the Jukes family, multiple pages (#133)
"Jukes: Information collected by M. T. Curial" for A.H. Estabrook on Wisconsin branch of the Jukes family (#135)
"Kallikak family of New Jersey -- normal line vs. degenerate line" (#1003)
Kallikak family pedigree (#291)
Little Italy, showing life in lower Manhattan around the turn of the 20th century (#1510)