Eugenics Organizations
60 objects illustrate this topic:

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Minutes of the Eugenics Section, 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association, with resolution to organize immigration committeee, multiple pages (#403)
People, A Magazine for all the People (April 1931), American Eugenics Society, cover (#1590)
Program of the 8th annual meeting of the American Breeders Association, multiple pages (#401)
"Proposed intineraries" of state fairs (#709)
"Report of the president of the American Eugenics Society, Inc., June 26, 1926", multiple pages (#635)
"Report on the work of the Francis Galton Laboratory for National Eugenics, February1908-June 1909", multiple pages (#2115)
Stewart House, an existing Victorian structure that housed the Eugenics Record Office (ERO) 1910-1913 while new building was constructed next door (#1650)
"Stimulating Public Interest in the Feeble-Minded," by E.R. Johnstone (address to the National Conferenceof Charities and Correction, 1916), multiple pages (#1445)
"The Sixth Annual Meeting of the Eugenics Research Association," July 21, 1918, Eugenical News (vol. 3) (#1875)
W.M. Hays letter to Charles Davenport about inheritance in poultry (#395)