Eugenics Goals and Education
55 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Results of mixing the races," by Dr. W.A. Evans, Birmington Age Herald (#458)
Review of Applied Eugenics, By Paul Popenoe and Roswell H. Johnson, Eugenical News (vol. 4) (#1876)
"Studies in National Eugenics," by Francis Galton, subjects for eugenics inquiry communicated at meeting of Sociological Society (2/14/1905), multiple pages (#2155)
"Summary of the discussion at the conference on education and eugenics", multiple pages (#814)
Tenement dwellers, "How can they be helped?" Eugenics: A Journal of Race Betterment (vol II:8) (#1734)
"The factors of evolution in man", course offered by Samuel Holmes at University of California, Berkeley, multiple pages (#242)
"The New Decalogue of Science," by Albert Edward Wiggam, multiple pages (#1349)
"The Position of Field Workers," Eugenical News (vol. 4), survey showing that field workers earn 70% more than nurses (#1877)
"The science of eugenics and sex-life, love, marriage, maternity: the regeneration of the human race," by W.J. Hadden, C.H. Robinson, and M.R. Melendy, multiple pages (#607)
"The South's fight for race purity," by R.W. Wooley, Pearson's Magazine, multiple pages (#676)
"The Study of Human Heredity," by Davenport, Laughlin, Weeks, Johnstone, and Goddard, Eugenics Record Office Bulletin No. 2, multiple pages (#1771)