Sterilization Laws
76 objects illustrate this topic:

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"German Eugenics in Practice," by Eliot Slater, Eugenics Review (vol. 27:4), ambivalent review of sterilization and marriage laws, multiple pages (#1862)
Harry Laughlin response to Lucien Howe about immigration and blindness prevention (#328)
Harry Sharp, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1) (#2300)
"Human Sterilization," Human Betterment Foundation, multiple pages (#1753)
"Intelligence of Nation Said to be Declining: Sterilization No Remedy," Daily Telegraph and Morning Post (1/13/1939) (#2241)
Irving Whitehead, the lawyer appointed to represent Carrie Buck, called no witnesses at her trial in Amherst County, Virigina (#2279)
John Bell, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1) (#2298)
Joseph Mayer, from "The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1) (#2301)
Joseph S. DeJarnette, an early advocate for sterilization, testified against Carrie Buck at her trial in Amherst County, Virigina (#2278)
Last photograph of Carrie Buck, taken several weeks before her death, dressed as Mary for the Christmas pageant at the nursing home where she lived (#2284)
"Legislative status of eugenical sterilization in the several states of United States, January 1935" (#949)