117 objects illustrate this topic:

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The Kallikak Family: A Study in the Heredity of Feeble-Mindedness, by Henry Herbert Goddard, selected pages, multiple pages (#1455)
The Swedish Nation, pedigree of epilepsy in Swedish farmer lineage (#1633)
Jon Alfred Mjøen, director of the Vindern Biological Laboratory (Oslo, Norway) explaining pedigree to children Heljar, Sonja, and Fridtjof (#1580)
"Kallikak family of New Jersey -- normal line vs. degenerate line" (#1003)
Kallikak family pedigree (#291)
K. Bathurst letter to Francis Galton, about family records (10/12/1895), multiple pages (#2082)
Lamellar cataract pedigree by London Medical Office (#288)
Mary Dendy letter to Karl Pearson, about difficulties in collecting pedigree data and interpreting disease traits in "defective children" (12/9/1906), multiple pages (#1931)
"Mental Deficiency Pedigree," a multigenerational study of a rural family by the British National Association for the Feebleminded, multiple pages (#2213)
Morris Steggerda, photographs from his his own family pedigree (#2428)
"Nomenclature and Tables of Kinship," by Francis Galton, an appeal for comments on his survey of heredity, Nature (vol. 69:1787), multiple pages (#2199)