Mental Illness
95 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Delinquent girls tested by the Binet scale," by Dr. Louise Morrow and Dr. Olga Bridgman, Reprint from The Training School, multiple pages (#340)
Distribution of vertex height of Mongolians vs. Englishmen (#1019)
"Eugenical Sterilization in Germany," Eugenical News (vol. 18:5), commentary and full translation of the German sterilization statute of 1933, multiple pages (#1901)
Eugenics Education Society letter to Francis Galton, about efforts to lobby Parliament for segregation of defectives in the Poor Law (12/11/1909) (#2087)
Eugenics Education Society letter to Francis Galton, about efforts to lobby Parliament for segregation of defectives in the Poor Law (12/11/1909) (#2088)
"Europe as an emigrant-exporting continent," Harry H. Laughlin testimony before the House Committee, including Immigration Restriction Act, multiple pages (#1140)
"Exhibit of work and educational campaign for juvenile mental defectives" (#348)
"Family living like barbarians found in New York Hills," by Margery Rex, (#368)
"Family-stock of a woman sterilized by the state of Maine" (#958)
Feebleminded girl, "A good looking well built girl. Tests about 8 mentally. Was picked up for prostitution...", multiple pages (#1571)
Feebleminded girl, "Not uncomely but awfully dumb.", multiple pages (#1573)