Mental Illness
95 objects illustrate this topic:

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"Most immediate blood-kin of Carrie Buck. Showing illegitimacy and hereditary feeblemindedness." (#1013)
"Most immediate blood-kin of Carrie Buck. showing illegitimacy and hereditary feeblemindedness." (#1231)
" Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 12198. Diagnosis: psychosis with Huntington's chorea" (#966)
"Paranoia," flash card on genetic defects, multiple pages (#747)
"Paranoia," flash card on genetic defects. Paranoia patient's poem on genetic defects, "To a new portrait of His Majesty King George of England" (#748)
Pedigree exhibit: "Alcoholism and heredity," 3rd International Eugenics Conference (#1085)
Pedigree exhibit: "Family showing strong tendency to manic depressive insanity," 3rd International Eugenics Conference (#1086)
Pedigree for feeblemindedness (#369)
"Pedigree of a neurotic ..." (#1007)
"Pedigree of the Caesars" (#582)
Pedigree:" Osawatomie State Hospital: case no. 11491. Diagnosis: manic depressive, manic type" (#964)