Garland Allen is a professor in the Biology Department of Washington University in St. Louis. He specializes in the history of 20th century biology, with particular interest in eugenics as an example of the intersection between science and social policy. He has written both a popular text, The Study of Biology and a comprehensive history, Life Science in the Twentieth Century. He is also the author of Thomas Hunt Morgan: The Man and His Science, the definitive biography of the founder of modern genetics.

Elof Carlson is a geneticist who studies the history of science at the State University of New York, Stony Brook. His interest in eugenics dates to his work as a graduate student with Herman Muller, one of T.H. Morgan's famous students. He is the author of The Gene: A Critical History and Modern Biology: Its Conceptual Foundations. A third book: Genes, Radiation, and Society: The Life and Work of H.J. Muller is the definitive biography of this important biologist and social activist. A new book on the social origins of eugenics is in press.

Paul Lombardo is an historian and lawyer who teaches bioethics and health law at the University of Virginia. He is an expert on the legal aspects of eugenics and sterilization laws. He was the historical consultant and a featured commentator for The Lynchburg Story, an internationally broadcast documentary on the history of eugenic sterilization in America. He provided the background research for discussion of Buck vs. Bell in Stephen J. Gould's book The Flamingo's Smile.

David Micklos is director of the Dolan DNA Learning Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York and is co-principal investigator of the Eugenics Archive Project. He is interested in producing educational analogs to modern genome research, including labs, computer tools, and issues evalution. He is coauthor of the textbooks DNA Science and Laboratory DNA Science, and producer of the video documentary, The Biological Revolution: 100 Years of Science at Cold Spring Harbor (1986). He won the 1990 Charles A. Dana Award for Pioneering Achievement in Education.

Steven Selden is program coordinator of the Curriculum Theory and Development Program at the University of Maryland, College Park. He was a Fulbright Lecturer at the Beijing Normal University, People's Republic of China in 1994. He received the University of Maryland's College Of Education's Outstanding Faculty Award and the Education Press Association of America's Distinguished Achievement Award for Excellence in Educational Journalism. He is the author of Inheriting Shame: The Story of Eugenics and Racism in America.

Jan Witkowski is director of the Banbury Center of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory, New York and is co-principal investigator of the Eugenics Archive Project. With formal training in biochemistry and human genetics, he has special interest in the interaction of science and society and in the history of 20th century experimental biology. He has published papers on topics ranging from tissue culture through cell aging to the discovery of "split genes," including two studies of Julian Huxley, one of Britain's most eminent reform eugenicists. He is a coauthor of the popular text Recombinant DNA 2nd edition.

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