ID# 1044:
"America for Americans: Radio address of Hon. Martin Dies of Texas," May 6, 1935, about deportation
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5)
The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, document, C-4-6

1044. 2 But you ask, and properly so, what are we going to do about it? I agree with you that there is nothing we can do so long as our policy is dominated by sentimentality, fatuous internationalism, industrial greed, and alien political influence. So long as we permit America to be made the asylum for the peoples of other lands and the dumping ground for Europe and so long as politicians fear the vote and influence of alien groups and blocs in the great cities, there is nothing that we can do except to continue to struggle with the unemployment problem of other nations and tax our people to the limit of endurance to provide relief for the 1,500,000 aliens and for the 9,000,000 Americans whose jobs have been taken by foreigners. But when the times comes, as surely it will, that we adopt and develop an American policy based not upon racial and religious hatred but upon the stern law of self-preservation, and the ancient truth that charity should begin at home there is much we can do. In the first place, we can permanently close, lock, and bar the gates of this country to any pioneer immigration and then throw the key away. There is certainly no need for immigration during the next 50 years. We have our hands full to furnish employment to the natural increase of our own population and to give to the youth of today and tomorrow their place underneath the sun. Of course, the antirestrictionists employ the threadbare argument that we have already reduced immigration to a minimum and that under the quota only 150,000 immigrants can come to this country annually from quota countries. It is pointed out that immigration to the United States had been trivial and unimportant since 1930. It is true that on September 8, 1930, the White House issued a press release pointing out that the public-charge clause had a special significance in times of wide-spread unemployment, and as a result of strict interpretation of the public-charge provision, from September 8, 1930, until recently, the number of aliens entering under the quota dwindled to a low level. By reason of the strict enforcement of this section, about 900,000 aliens who might have been admitted during normal times were prevented from entering the United States to increase unemployment. The American consuls estimate that in 47 out of 68 quota countries there are at this very moment 992,000 aliens who are anxious to enter the United States in spite of the unemployment here. It must not be forgotten that the 900,000 aliens prevented from entering this country since 1930 were only kept out by unusual administrative action and not by law. This administrative reduction is admittedly to last only during acute stages of the depression. As Mr. Simmons, Chief of the Visa Division, Department of State, said in his press release of April 30, 1934: "With the improvement in economic conditions, which is already setting in, the significance of the public-charge clause will proportionately decrease." In other words, administrative strictness in interpreting the public-charge provision is now being relaxed, until we will soon be admitting from quota countries 153,000 aliens each year. This is proven by the fact that last year's immigration statistics show an increase of 50 percent in quota immigration - that is, new seed immigrants - an 8-percent increase in total aliens admitted, and a 60-percent decrease in alien deportations, as well as a 50-percent increase in deserting seamen, alien stowaways, and the like. During the 10 years of quota restriction 3,687,547 aliens of all classes have legally entered this country, 2,010,896 of whom were new immigrants. But while the 1924 quota law did reduce the number of aliens coming legally from quota countries, a serious mistake was made when the quota was not applied to the Western Hemisphere. This left both side doors open, and predatory employers and profit-making steamship companies were quick to take advantage of this mistake. These nonquota 138266-11493
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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