ID# 1102:
"Schedule and apparatus for Binet test"
Pages: (1|2|3)
The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, C-2-4,8

1102. Schedules and Apparatus for the Binet Test [left column] Schedule of Tests: Mental Age 3 Years: 1. Points to nose, eyes, mouth, etc. 2. Repeats "It rains"; "I am hungry" 3. Repeats 1 2 _____ 4. Sees in pictures in objects: 1. [underscore] 2. [underscore] 3. [underscore 4. [underscore] [right column] Apparatus: Three or more pictures showing:- 1. Familiar objects. 2. Decided action. 3. Emotion. [left column] Mental Age 4 Years: 1. Knows sex. 2. Recognizes key, knife, penny. 3. Repeats 1 4 8 4. Compares lines. [right column] Key Knife Penny Sets of lines. [left column] Mental Age 5 Years: 1. Compares 3 & 59 - 6 & 159. 2. Copies square. 3. Repeats "His name is John; he is a very good boy". 4. Counts 4 pennies. 5. "Patience" [right column] 4 Weights 3a, 6a, 12a, 18a. Square. 4 Pennies. Visiting card cut diagonally. [left column] Mental Age 6 Years: 1. Morning or Afternoon? 2. Defines: 1. Fork. 2. Table. 3. Chair. 4. Horse. 5. Mamma. 3. Puts key on chair; shuts door; brings box. 4. Shows right hand; left ear. 5. Chooses prettier: 1 & 2[underscore] 3 & 4[underscore] 5 & 6[underscore] [right column] Key Box 6 pictures: 3 ugly or deformed. 3 not ugly or deformed.
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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