ID# 1156:
G. von Hoffmann letter to H. Laughlin in praise of his goals on sterilization
Pages: (1|2|3)
The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, D-5-5

1156. I shall be pleased to inform you from time to time as to the progress of eugenics on the continent as far as I know about it. I do not remember whether I mentioned you the "Aerztliche Gesellschaft fuer Sexualwissenschaft und Eugenik", Berlin, organized on Febr. 21st, 1913. Its secretary is Dr. Iwan Bloch, Berlin-Charlottenburg.Leibnitzstrasse 104. It publishes a periodical "Zeitschrift fuer Sexualwissenschaft" since April 1914. The chief study of the society is sexology, but eugenics are included. Another society was organized this year in Berlin, the "Internationale Gesellschaft fuer Sexualforschung"; secretary Dr. Max Marcuse, Berlin, Luetzowstrasse 85.Study:sexology, but also eugenics. It organizes an international congress of sexology in Berlin, Oct.31-Nov.2.1914; about 5 speakers will speak on eugenics, I have the honor to be among them. The "Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Soziologie", Secretary Dr.H.Beck, Berlin, Schaprstr.25, founded a section for "Sozialbiologie", which is very near to eugenics, stress being laid on research work instead of practical work. I am a member of the organizing committee; work will not be started probably before the next fall. Splendid work is done by the "Eugenic Committee of Hungarian Societies" in Budapest, founded on January 25th, 1914 when I had the privilege to hold the opening lecture. The question of organization was solved by organizing committees for eugenics in a number of existing societies, the central committee being in the Hungarian Sociological Society (Magyar Tarsadalomtudomanyl Egyesulet), Budapest, V.Maria Valeria utca 12.
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