ID# 1203:
Committee on Immigration and Naturalization, research study on immigration
Pages: (1|2|3|4)
The Harry H. Laughlin Papers, Truman State University, papers, D-4-2

Image 1203 EUGENICAL INVESTIGATION OF THE COMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION OF THE HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES, WASHINGTON, D.C. SPECIAL SURVEY: Age, duration of custody, and recommitment of public charges. 1. Name of institution [dashed line] 2. Where located [dashed line] 3. Social and pathological classes[?] provided for [dashed line] 4. Are there any limits of race, age, sex, or citizenship to the persons admitted to this institution? [dashed line] If so, please describe [dashed line] 5. Inmate population, males [dashed line] females [dashed line], on [dashed line] (date). 6. Average age of present inmates at their [italic]first admission[end italic] to this institution: (a) Age of males [dashed line] (b) age of females [dashed line] (Do not detach) 7. What is the average duration of custody of commitment or persons, who were discharged from or died in your institution during the last year? (State dates: From [dashed line] to [dashed line] . Males [dashed line] females [dashed line] 8. Do statistics show that this period of duration is increasing or decreasing? [dashed line] 9. Of the total present inmates of the institution, how many have been previously in custody or institutional residence in institutions of any sort? [centered]NUMBER OF PRESENT INMATES[end centering] [chart] &&Present commitment the first &&One commitment previously&&Two times previously&&Three times previously&&Four times previously. Males [dashed line] Females [dashed line] (Signed) [dashed line] (Position) [dashed line] Date [dashed line] (Detach here) COMMITTEE ON IMMIGRATION AND NATURALIZATION HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES SIXTY-SEVENTH CONGRESS ALBERT JOHNSON, Chairman Washington, D.C. [dashed line] Date [dashed line] [dashed line] In continuation of its investigation into the relation between nativity and social inadequacy of the several types of social charges, this Committee would be very appreciative if you would be kind enough to instruct the proper officer to fill out the attached card and mail it as indicated. Very sincerely, [signed] Albert Johnson [italic]Chairman[end italic] [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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