ID# 1453:
E.R. Evans letter to A. Estabrook, providing information about the Nam family child placed in foster care (2/14/1917)
Pages: (1|2)
University of Albany, SUNY, Estabrook, SPE,XMS 80.9 Bx 2 Folder 1-1

1453. State Charities Aid Association Child Placing Agency 105 East 22nd Street Room 710 Telephone 1454 Gramercy Miss Sophie van S. Theis, Superintendent Miss Elizabeth W. Guy, Miss Constance Goodrich, Miss Edith Dudley,[large bracket to the right of preceding three names] Assistant Superintendents Miss Clemence L. Boardman, Miss Ethel R. Evans, Miss Anna C. Haskins,[large bracket to the right of preceding three names] Supervisors New York, February 14, 1917. Dr. Arthur H. Estabrook, Board of State Charities, State House, Indiannapolis[sic], Ind. My dear Dr. Estabrook: Thank you very much for your prompt and kind reply to our question about [obscured]. The foster parent who has [obscured] is an unusually intelligent woman and might, we thought, have been trusted with the facts of [obscured]'s inheritance, bad as they are. However, you are probably right in feeling that such information should not be given out and though this woman is quite sure she would not be prejudiced against the little girl, she might find herself so, to her surprise. We should for our own use very much like to the have the information about [obscured]'s place in the Nam family and I will promise to mark it confidential, to be used only for our own records. I am glad to see that you are willing to give it to us under those conditions. [obscured] seems to be doing very well where she is placed. Her foster mother is extremely fond of her and regards her as a normal child, in fact is anxious to adopt her at once. She is somewhat behind in school but she does not go to an ordinary school so that we cannot compare her by grade with other children of her own age. We have not yet seen this present teacher but one of our agents is planning to do so this week. [obscured] especially likes drawing and dancing. She is showing a greater reasoning capacity than she did and is inclined to express her own views. Our visitor who saw her recently thought she was a perfectly normal and well developed child. Her foster mother realizes that she will never be an intellectual person but she expects her to develop along normal lines and be able to stand alone and become self-supporting. [obscured] was placed by us in a farm home, an entirely different type than the one where his sister is. He gave a good deal of trouble at first but is steadily giving [end]
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