ID# 1728:
"Eugenics and the Church," by Edwin Bishop, Eugenics: A Journal of Race Betterment (vol II:8)
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6)
Cold Spring Harbor, ERO, Eugenics, Miscellaneous Copies

1728. Eugenics 17 ney carry on Horace Bushnell's thought of "the outpopulating power of the Christian stock," showing how we may undergird our future by a well-considered eugenic program, or ruin it by a careless dysgenic one. In a very true sense eugenics has something to say about the very existence of the Christian church. The program of capacity self-fulfillment for the future race was likewise proclaimed and practiced by Jesus. He declared his concern for other people than Israel.[superior 7] He definitely commissioned His disciples to spread abroad the good news of universal self-fulfillment.[superior 8] He responded gratefully to every interest taken in Him by "other sheep."[superior 9] Though Jesus' primary mission was to the "lost sheep of the House of Israel" there was a glint of universalism running through His teachings like the scarlet thread intertwined in the cable of the British navy. A Potential Ally Enter therefore eugenics again, as a potential ally of the program of Jesus and the Christian church! If capacity self-fulfillment for the individual is endowed with the right to be well-born, so racial self-fulfillment without a goodly measure of corporate well-bornness will be impossible. From the eugenic standpoint it is difficult to be an optimist in the face of present-day facts and trends. The army tests made during the late war showed that both the physical and the intellectual efficiency of our young men averaged several notches lower than was suspected. Carefully assembled data seem to demonstrate that the well-born are not holding their own numbers with the less favorably born. There are right now two-thirds as many mental defectives in the United States as there are students in our colleges and universities. Through neglect of eugenic knowledge and practice tares are sprouting widely through the wheat. And coincident with this is the marked limiting of children among the eugenic classes and a still continuing fecundity among the dysgenic classes. Enough data are now at hand to demonstrate beyond cavil that the eugenically endowed are not producing enough children to make good their own losses to say nothing about gaining on the population. One table shows a birth-rate of 41.9 per thousand among low paid foreign workers, while in choice residence American districts the birth-rate was only 18 per thousand. No probably death-rate will ever equalize that differential. From figures at hand Harvard, Yale, and West Point show 1.6 children per married graduate, while Bryn Mawr, Vassar, and Mt. Holyoke show 1.3 children per married graduate. In a little study along this line in our own parish I find that we have a parish population of 990 individuals. The birth rate per thousand and of population in Lansing for 1927 was 22.1 The birth rate for our parish population was 9.1. Plymouth parish is therefore reproducing itself less than half as fast as the city in general. Considering the high average grade and quality of out parish population do these figures not spell eugenic loss to the community? Moreover the parish death rate was 12.1. If Plymouth parish had no accessions outside of its own children, how long could it continue to exist on the above differential? And would not the total elimination of Plymouth people be another eugenic loss to the community? 1.3 Children Again, there are 152 completed families in our parish. Two hundred and eighteen children have been born to these families. This averages 1.3 child per family, the same percentage as for Vassar and Bryn Mawr graduates. From this angle also Plymouth parish is showing eugenic loss. It is far from reproducing itself. The statistician can well point out that we are apparently headed towards the same fate that overtook ancient Greece, namely, a small and brilliant aristocracy, and a huge sodden proletariat - with no middle class of any account in between. Is this the America we want to see develop? Will this be giving the [italics]race[end italics] capacity self-fulfillment? God forbid! As a summary therefore, the following [footnotes, left column] [superior 7] Jn. 10:15-16. [superior 8] Lk. 24:47. Mk. 16:15. Mt. 28:19-20. [superior 9] Mt. 8:10-11. Jn. 12:20-23. [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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