ID# 1998:
Announcement for "Biometrika, A Journal for the Statistical Study of Biological Problems," established by Karl Pearson
Pages: (1|2|4)
University College London, KP, 348

1998. [italics]Biometrika[end italics] will appear about four times a year. A volumen containing about 400 pages, with plates and tables, will be issued annually. Papers for publication should be sent to Professor W. F. R. Weldon, Merton Lea, Oxford, or to Professor C. B. Davenport, University of Chicago, Illinois, U.S. It is very desirable that a copy of all measurements made, not necessarily for publication, should accompany each paper. In all cases the papers themselves should contain not only the calculated constraints, but the distributions from which they have been deduced. Papers will be accepted in German, French, or Italian. In the first case the manuscript should be in Roman not German characters. Contributors receive 25 copies of their papers free. Fifty additional copies may be had at cost price about 6/- per sheet of eight pages: these should be ordered when the final proof is returned. All communications, other than those relating to contributions, should be addressed to the University Press, Cambridge. The subscription price, payable in advance, is 30s. net per volume (post free); single numbers 10s. net. Subscriptions may be sent to Messrs. C. J. Clay & Sons, Cambridge University Press Warehouse, Ave Maria Lane, London, either direct or through any bookseller. [centered score] Papers on the following subjects are already complete, or in preparation, and will probably appear in early numbers: [italics]Biometry[end italics]. Francis Galton. [italics]On the Terminology and Notation of biometric Investigations. Variationsstatistische Probleme und Materialien.[end italics] (Prof. Dr F. Luwig.) [italics]Criminal Anthropometry and the Identification of Criminals.[end italics] (Dr W. R. Macdonell.) [italics]Critical Bibliography of Statistical Memoirs. I. Heredity.[end italics] (Prof. W. F. R. Weldon.) [italics]Anthropometric Data from Australia.[end italics] (W. Powys.) [italics]Variations in [end italics]Synapta inhaerens. (Prof. C. L. Edwards.) [italics]Homotyposis in the Egg of the House-Sparrow.[end italics] (Dr. A. Lee and Prof. K. Pearson.) [italics]The Cuckoo's Egg.[end italics] (Oswald Latter.) [italics]Variation in [end italics] Aurelia. (E. T. Browne.) [italics]Inheritance of the Duration of Life and the Intensity of Natural Selection in Man..[end italics] (Miss M. Beeton and Prof. K. Pearson.) [italics]Artificial Selection, being a comparison of the Distributions of Conscripts and Recruits in various Italian Provinces.[end italics] (Prof. W. F. R. Weldon.) [italics]Results of Cooperative Investigation on the Laws of Inheritance in Plants. I. The Shirley Poppy. Variation and Correlation of the parts of the Human Skull. A quantitative Study of the [end italics] Naqada Crania. (Miss C. D. Fawcett.) [italics]Extended and Improved Tables of Probability Integrals.[end italics] (W. F. Sheppard.) [italics]Variation in the Form of the Helix of the Shell in [end italics] Clausilia laminata [italics](Montagu).[end italics] (Prof. W. F. R. Weldon.) [italics]Mathematical Contribution to the Theory of Evolution. XI. The Influence of Natural Selection on the Variability and Correlation of Characters.[end italics] (Prof. K. Pearson.) [italics]On a Physio-statistical Theory of Heredity.[end italics] (G. U. Yule.) [italics]A Statistical Study of the Wild Bee.[end italics] (Prof. F. Y. Edgeworth.) [end]
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