ID# 2090:
Directions for responding to a survey on "Ethnological Enquiries on the Innate Character and Intelligence of Different Races," by Francis Galton
Circa 1909
Pages: (1|2)
University College London, FG, 138/1

2090. 2 11. Has he any special aptitudes, or the reverse; such as in mimicry, sense of the ludicrous, taste in colors, music, poetry, dancing, calculating power, keenness of sight or hearing, quickness of observation, manual dexterity, horsemanship, ability to tend cattle? 12. Is he naturally polished and self-composed in manner, or rude and awkward? 13. Is he modest and self-reliant, or servile and cringing? Is he vain? 14. Is he solitary or sociable; morose or cheerful? 15. Is the passion of sexual affection strongly developed in him, or the reverse? 16. Is he fond of children, and are children fond of him? 17. Does he cherish malice for long periods, or does he forgive frankly? 18. Is he liable to outbursts of rage? 19. Did he for long show uneasiness at the restrictions of civilised life, or did he readily accept them; such as keeping regular hours, acting on a steady system, wearing shoes and other clothing? 20. Children of savages, who have been reared in missionary families, have been known to throw off their clothes, and quit the house in a momentary fit of rage, and to go back to their own people, among whom they afterwards were found in apparently contented barbarism. State authentic instances of this, if you know of any, with full particulars. 21. Has he a strong natural sense of right and wrong, and a sensitive conscience? 22. Does he exhibit to his religious teachers, any strong conviction of an original sinfulness of his nature; or the reverse? 23. Is he much influenced by ceremonial observances, such as those of the Roman Catholic Church? 24. Is he a willing keeper of the Sabbath? 25. Has he any strong religious instinct; is he inclined to quiet devotion? 26. Is he ascetic, self-mortifying, and self-denying, or the contrary? 27. Is he inclined to be unduly credulous, or unduly sceptical? 28. Is he active or impassive in social duties? 29. Is he much governed by superstitious feelings, such as charms or omens of good or ill luck? 30. Has he any tendency to be sanctimonious and hypocritical? 31. Is he honest, truthful, and open, or cunning and intriguing? 32. Is he grateful or ungrateful? 33. Does he, in conversation, make frequent or infrequent use of abstract terms? Does he adequately understand their meaning, when he employs them? 34. Are there any other marked peculiarities in his character or intellect? [italics]Please address replies to[end italics] Francis Galton, 42 Rutland Gate, London. [end]
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