ID# 2107:
F. Galton letter to his cousin Edward, asking him to review his manuscript of "Kantysaywhere" and pass it on to Karl Pearson
Pages: (1|2)
University College London, FG, 138/6

2107. [left side] [partially obscured stamp]University London Galton Papers 138/6[end stamp] anecdotes & in fact everything not to the point - but there were a good many pages that I felt myself incapable of judging. So I am returning you the mutilated copy, hoping - ( if you and [Eva?] could agree on this point) that Prof Karl Pearson might see it. Unfortunately Eva is not well enough now to be consulted, [right side] so we must wait. Mutilated as it is, poor Kantsaywhere can never be published, & is as safe from [underscore]that[end underscore] as if it were destroyed altogether, but I think what remains might interest Prof Pearson & [underscore]possible[end underscore], though I doubt it, be useful. Besides if [underscore]something[end underscore] survived, I should not feel quite so much like a murderess! The duplicate copy is destroyed [end]
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