ID# 2119:
Minutes of Eugenics Records Office (London) Advisory Meeting (10/30/1905)
Pages: (1)
University College London, KP, 234

2119. [stamped] University College London Pearson Papers[end stamp] Advisory Meeting At a meeting held at 42, Rutland Gate on Monday October 30th 1905, Mr. Galton in the chair, present Prof. Weldon, Dr. McDougal, Dr. Saleeby, Dr. Slaughter, Mr Branford, Mr Schuster, Dr. Mott, Dr. Muir, Mr Elderton. Mr Galton stated that the primary purpose of the Advisory Meetings would be to propose and thoroughly discuss suitable subjects for eugenic research including time, cost, the persons who might undertake them, and the value of the expected results; and that other topics connected with Eugenics might afterwards be discussed, preference being given to those that bear on the future work of the Office. Mr Galton also stated what work had been done and what was in hand. Mr Schuster stated that he had been engaged in an enquiry as to the inheritance of deaf-mutism, as he found that he could more easily obtain material relating to this than to the inheritance of other nervous diseases. Dr. Mott stated that he had caused an enquiry to be made into the family histories of deaf-mutes and albinos in the L.C.C. Asylums; that out of 16000 patients there was 1 albino, and that his father, grandfather, and two brothers were also albinos. Prof. Weldon said that 1 per 1000 was the proportion in Sicily. Dr. McDougal asked whether it would be advisable for the Office to collect opinions of schoolmasters about the [end]
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