ID# 2135:
Raymond Pearl letter to Karl Pearson, discussion of conflict between biometrical and experimental approaches to study heredity (3/12/1910)
Pages: (1|2|3)
University College London, KP, 782

2135. CID7 (3) But all of this does not get us anywhere. You, I presume, deny the existence of these facts and so we come to a point beyond which it is not possible to go in argument. I am glad if the bibliography I sent is of any use to you. As I think I wrote you before, there were many gaps in it which I had intended to fill with further work. We shall be leaving for England about the time that this letter reaches you. We sail from Boston on March 29, and shall come straight to London. I will drop you a note after I arrive asking for an appointment, if you can spare the time, so that we may have a talk about various matters, heredity included if you like. Very sincerely yours, [signed]Raymond Pearl [end]
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