ID# 2136:
W.P. Heningham letter to E. Nettleship, about inheritance of human disorders and sex determination, with references to Bateson and Garrod (11/28/1904)
Pages: (1|2)
University College London, KP, 330

2136. [handwritten][left side]to help in the great work. Alcaptonuria & Cystinurea[sp?] are two other curious things. Cytiauria[sp?] goes in families, Alcaptonurea, which is very rare, is in 6 out of 8 cases known to young Ganod the offspring of first cousins. He & Bateson talked it over & it seemed [illegible] - how to fit with Batesons' ideas. Bateson is beginning to think that sex is a segregate quality of the gamete just like roundness or greenness or pea count, & I can [illegible] will repay you to latle[?] . Being a segregate quality it might of course be segregate with haemoph. & colour blindness. Ys sinc.: W. P. Henningham [right side][obs stamp]Pearson Papers[end stamp] Telephone:- 1504 Paddington. 40, Wimpole Street, W. Nov. 28. 1904. Dear Nettleship The Pseudohypertrophics & similar dystrophies attack the boys much more than the girls, but not exclusively. The peroneal type attacks girls & boys I think pretty equally. It is not quite like a dystrophy, not yet quite like a polio myelitis, but a little like each. The favorite theory just now is I think that which ascribes it to diseases [end]
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