ID# 2143:
L. Darwin letter to K. Pearson about argument over publications (8/31/1916)
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University College London, KP, 673

L. Darwin letter to K. Pearson about argument over publications (8/31/1916)

67316 [stamped]University College London Pearson Papers[end stamp] August 31st, 1916. Professor Pearson, 7, Well Road, Hampstead, N.W. Dear Professor Pearson, I think you will at all events admit that your articles on my work were such as to provoke a reply. In that reply I have endeavoured to be perfectly courteous to yourself, and in that endeavour I hope and believe I have succeeded. When I, as you would say, lapsed back into my erroneous way of thinking, I thought of writing to you privately on the subject. But as I saw little chance of thus convincing you, it seemed to me the straightforward way was to publish my view, which would give you a chance of pitching into me in print as much as you thought right. It is perhaps fair to both of us to say that before I wrote this article I gave the most careful thought to all you had written, publicly and privately, and as your letter received yesterday merely repeats some of your former argument I am naturally not converted. Moreover the amount of pains I took to ascertain that I was not in a "complete muddle" is not reflected in my article. I have never taken more pains. If you feel it is your duty to give me the castigation you contemplate I shall probably not reply, but leave that - if it is done at all - to adversaries more worthy of your steel. For, though it is true I am no mathematician myself, yet several mathematicians have agreed with the view I have expressed. Trusting that you will keep well in these weary and distressing times, Yours sincerely, [signed]Leonard Darwin [end]

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