ID# 2205:
"Mental Deficiency Pedigree," a multigenerational study of a rural family by the British National Association for the Feebleminded
Circa 1912
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)
University College London, GP, 313

2205. [stamped]University College London Pearson Papers[end stamp] National Association for the Feebleminded. Mental Deficiency Pedigree (Compiled in co-operation with the Galton Laboratory University College.) Here is a pedigree of people country born and bred, natives of villages within the same county, pursuing for the most part the casual labor of farm industry, untouched one can fairly say by the ills attributed to town life. One family iv 10-30 consists of 17 children. The parents have lived for over 19 years in a lonely house attached to some farm buildings, where the housing accommodation is none of the best, and where the roughest form of living with an elementary standard of comfort prevails. Frequent drinking bouts occur. The history of member of this family in order of their birth as far as can be established is as follows: 1V 10. A man of 37 unmarried and living at home, he works on the farm with his father (also a labourer) and earns 10/- a week. He shares largely in the drinking. Beyond being of a dull and low grade type of intelligence no statement made indicates that he is positively feebleminded. 1V-12. A daughter 35 or 36 in the Workhouse infirmary has been there 4 years, kept through the kindness and good management of the Matron, She has 2 illegitimate children by different fathers both of the labouring class and one at least 1V is said to be often in the hands of the police. As a girl she never had any decent training, lived the rough life of the farm, but now under great supervision she can help in the manual work of the Workhouse. She has much improved, answers [end]
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