ID# 2209:
"Mental Deficiency Pedigree," a multigenerational study of a rural family by the British National Association for the Feebleminded
Circa 1912
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)
University College London, GP, 313

2209. -5- courts. He has a slight cast in one eye. Physically the boy is well developed but varies considerably in ability sometimes being very quick and at other times exceedingly dull. He is thought on the whole to show signs of deficient mind. The 2nd child of this girl born in the Workhouse died in 2 months from Tuberculosis. The children of the other girl 1V 16. both died, the first a boy who died in 2 months from Convulsions and the 2nd, a girl who lived till 5 years old in the Workhouse and died from heart failure following Diphtheria. She had a bad temper but otherwise is spoken of as a bright little child. Let us now continue the life and conduct of the parents who had the 17 children. Both were born and brought up amid country surroundings. The father III 7. has followed casual farm labour all his life, has little or no standard of home life and earns in his present farm work, according to the statement of his wife, about 16/- a week. He is much given to drink. The other IV 21. is described as never having had any "go" and was always slow and uninterested. As a girl she went to service. Later, she seemed to lack ordinary capacity to manage domestic affairs with any degree of foresight or promptness, was careless in habits and made no attempt to train the children. Her concern in those away from her is nil. It is said she turned her daughter 1V 12 out when the child 1V 2 was coming, but for some reason unknown the child eventually went to live there and is a favourite now. She is a heavy drinker and is also spoken of as being "abnormal at times". What we may ask now, has been the parentage and family of this [end]
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