ID# 2210:
"Mental Deficiency Pedigree," a multigenerational study of a rural family by the British National Association for the Feebleminded
Circa 1912
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|9)
University College London, GP, 313

2210. -6- man and woman? Let us take the woman's side. Her mother II 7 was a native of a country village in the same County and some accounts say she had 15 children. They are now scattered up and down the country, married and gone away, so narrative concerning them is difficult to get and what there is is more hearsay than established fact. The mother II 7 died in the same district and with no specified ailment attributed to her, she is described as "not very strong". The father II 6 was a farm labourer, not a teetotaler but said to be a "good" father, he suffered from rheumatism and died from Cancer in the stomach. Of the other members of this family III 19-33 at least 4 can be classed as wanting in intelligence. Amongst them is the mother III 21 of the family first described - and 3 of her brothers are apparently of the same type. III 26 Is in the Workhouse more often than not, he gets casual country jobs when he can but no work and consequently the workhouse forms a large part of his existence. Being lame (run over by a hay cart) adds to his disabilities. The other brothers III 29 and 31, appear to have similar lack of capacity to conduct their affairs with success. In addition III 29 had fits when young by apparently grew out of them later. The married brother III 31 drinks and is "rather simple" but the children, it is said are not affected in any way. Of other members traced a married daughter III 27 was seen at her home. A nice woman and a comfortable home and much interest and care shown with regard to her children all of whom the mother [end]
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