ID# 2261:
Carl Correns notes on Mendel's analysis of dominant and recessive charateristics in peas (4/16/1896)
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Kaiser Wilhelm Institute, Neg.-Nr. Q16-8-25-1, 'Bild-Nr 14'

Carl Correns notes on Mendel's analysis of dominant and recessive charateristics in peas (4/16/1896)

[Note: the only German word I know is "kugelschreiber", which means "ball point pen" - I referred to Follett German dictionary but most of these words, as legibility permitted, were not in it.] 16.IV.96. [underscore]Mendel[end underscore] (66) unterschesdet: domininviende [umlaut over 'u']. recessive Merkmele. Fur unsere Taelle ist domininviend: --sapinenform : rund -- Laussenschale : grau bislyraun (albumen) --Kosyledonen : gelb. --Frucht : einfach gervolbt : gr[umlaut over 'u']n (unreif) recessiv: Kautig [underscore]weiss[end underscore] blassgalb, [underscore]gr[umlaut over 'u']n[end underscore] ruwzlig gelb (unreif) Die dominvienden und recessiv Merkmele preten gleish neider ersten Generation so nervor, dass die ersteren je [?] den leszteren je 1 Zudoviduum aufweisch. Die Hybridform von sarnengestalt und Kotyledonen ensivorkeltsich [?] direct ock die Befruchtg also Cas. gelb[female symbol] + gr[umlaut over 'u']n[male symbol] = gelb [male symbol] + gr[umlaut over 'u']n[female symbol] = 3/4 gelb + 1/4 gr[umlaut over 'u']n. Form. rund[female symbol] + Kautig[male symbol] = Kautig[female symbol] + rund[male symbol] = 3/4 rund + 1/4 Kautig Nidut versudert povid die Sarmenschale, die [?]teschtform [?] die Fruchtfarbe. Specter uber gicht [underscore]Mendelz[end underscore] Bau dass A (S[?]. Col. (Selg) gelb) und B (Samen Kautig Cos. gr[umlaut over 'u']n) beslaubt, [underscore]lauter gelbe[end underscore] Semen gab, die [underscore]rund[end underscore] waren. [end]

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