ID# 2286:
"The Progress of Eugenical Sterilization," by Paul Popenoe, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25:1), including journal cover and contents page
Pages: (1|1|2|3|4|5|6|7|8|10)
Cold Spring Harbor, , ''

2286. The Journal of Heredity Vol. XXV January, 1934 No. 1 [graphic score] In this Issue Original Articles More Records of Plant Hybridization before Koelreuter [italics]By Conrad Zirkle[end italics] . . .3 The Process of Eugenic Sterilization [italics]By Paul Popenoe[end italics] . . .19 Heritable Characters in Maize [italics]By J. H. Kempton[end italics] . . .29 The Diagnosis of Monozygotic Twinning [italics]By H. S. Riechle[end italics] . . .33 Brief Reply to Riechle's Article [italics]By H. H. Newman[end italics] . . .37 A Hereditary Lethal Muscle Contracture in Cattle [italics]By F. B. Hutt[end italics] . . .41 Review and Notes The Testcross - A Suggested Genetic Term . . .18 The Inheritance of Tuberculosis . . .26 Peculiarities of Hair Growth . . .32 The Rule of Social Law . . .38 Books Received . . .39 Further Light on the Origin of the Marsh Seedless Grapefruit . . .40 Coming Plant Breeding X-ray Mutations in the Tomato. Maternal Inheritance in Sorghum. New Jimpson Weeds from Old Chromosomes. Inheritance of Leaf Variegation in the Bean. [graphic] Animal Breeding Albinism in Cattle. The Linkage of the Creeper gene in the Fowl. Value of Female Ancestor's Egg Production in Poultry Breeding. A Kinky-tale Gene in Swine. A Herd of Cattle Bred for Twenty Years without New Blood. Inheritance of Cancer in Mice. [graphic] Human Heredity Fingerprint patterns of Siamese Twins. Taste Blindness and Race. More Twins Reared Apart. Inheritance of Metabolic Diseases. A Case of Striking Growth Disparity in Identical Twins. "Septuplets" with Different Birthdays. [graphic score] The Journal of Heredity is published monthly by the American Genetic Association, at 1918-1932 Harford Avenue, Baltimore, Md., and Victor Building, Washington, D. C. Address all communications regarding editorial matters and the business management of the Association to Room 510 Victor Building, Washington, D. C. Entered as second-class matter February 24, 1923, at the postoffice at Baltimore, Maryland. Acceptance for mailing at the special rate of postage provided for in Section 1103, Act of October 3, 1917, authorized December 30, 1918. Contents copyrighted 1934 by the Americaqn Genetic Association. Unauthorized reproduction of material from The Journal not permitted. The title "Journal of Heredity" is registered as a trade-mark in the U. S. Patent Office. $3.50 a Year [italics]Prices of back numbers on application[end italics] 35c. the Copy [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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