ID# 2304:
"Mental and Physical Traits of Identical Twins Reared Apart," by H.H. Newman, Journal of Heredity (vol. 25)
Pages: (1|2|3|4|5|6)
Cold Spring Harbor, ,

2304. Newman: Identical Twins Reared Apart 57 effect being that one leg is half an inch shorter than the other. Both twins have a pronounced tendency to constipation, verging on faecal obstruction. Both have pronounced crossing of one eye, in spite of wearing glasses to correct the defect. M's right eye turns in and R's left eye turns in, a curious mirror-imaged type of strabismus not uncommon in identical twins. M was somewhat left-handed as a young child, but now does everything with her right hand. R has always been right-handed. M's teeth are soft and have decayed quickly, at least a dozen cavities having been filled. R's teeth are also poor, but are now in a little better condition than M's. Both girls are muscularly clumsy, but M has engaged in sports much more than has R. Both of them are the despair of their teachers of physical culture. At the present time R speaks with a pronounced lisp, which seems to be quite lacking in M. M is much more friendly, talkative, and free from timidity. R is painfully shy and seems far less happy than does M. M takes the lead in everything and is much more aggressive. The two girls have been reared entirely apart except for occasional short visits. Proof of Monozygotic Origin Physically M and R are similar as the average pair of identical twins reared together. Their facial appearance is unusual but the same in both. Hair-color, eye color, ear form, complexion, features, etc., are alike. The teeth of both are small and widely spaced in front. There is only 1/4 pound difference in weight, less than 2 cm. difference in height, and all other physical measurements are very closely similar, the largest difference being in head width, M's head being 1 cm. wider. The physical data are given in Table I.* There are several evidences of reversed asymmetry or mirror imaging, which is one important accompaniment of monozygosity. As already stated M was left-handed as a child, while R has always been right-handed. M's right eye and R's left eye are strongly crossed. M's left hand is wider than her right, while R's are equal. The hair whorls, however, are distinctly clockwise in both. The finger print formulae are as follows: Left Right M U. Wu. Wu. Wlu. U Wlu. Wlr. W. W. W. R U. Wr. Wlu. Wlu. U Wlu. Wlr. W. W. Wlu. The two right hands are almost identical, differing only in digit V. The two left hands are more similar than is either left to own right hand. In the left hands of both girls digits I and V show ulnar loops, while all the other patterns in both right hands are whorls. The quantitative values of the finger prints are as follows: [double hairline score, page width] *Table I. - Physical Characteristics of M and R & M & R Height . . . & 168 cm. & 165 cm. Weight . . . & 120 3/4 lbs. & 120 1/2 lbs. Circumference of fore arm . . . & L, 21 cm; R, 21.3 cm. & L, 21 cm.; R 21.3 cm. Head length . . . & 18.4 cm. & 18.4 cm. Head width . . . & 14.4 cm. & 13.4 cm. Cephalic index . . . & 78.2 & 72.8 Eye color . . . & Hazel & Same One eye crossed . . . & Right eye & Left eye Hair color . . . & Light brown & Same Hair texture . . . & Straight and fine & Same Hair whorl . . . & Clockwise on right side. & Same, but less distinct. Ear shape . . . & Large and somewhat protruding. & Same in shape and set. Features . . . & Somewhat unusual, mouth very wide. & Same Teeth . . . & Widely spaced and in poor condition. & Same condition-a little better than in M. [end]
Copyright 1999-2004: Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory; American Philosophical Society; Truman State University; Rockefeller Archive Center/Rockefeller University; University of Albany, State University of New York; National Park Service, Statue of Liberty National Monument; University College, London; International Center of Photography; Archiv zur Geschichte der Max-Planck-Gesellschaft, Berlin-Dahlem; and Special Collections, University of Tennessee, Knoxville.
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